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In 2013, Jonathan graduated from the London School of Economics and Political Science with a MSc in International Development and Humanitarian Emergencies. His educational emphases included development studies, complex emergencies, research design, social research, social policy, organizational change, and managing humanitarianism. His final thesis was a case for faith-based humanitarian organizations and focused on Mormon Humanitarianism - delving into the management and operations of the LDS Welfare, Charities, and Philanthropic systems.


Mormon Humanitarianism: LDS Welfare, Charities and Philanthropies



His studies brought him to many prominent international humanitarian headquarters in Geneva, Switzerland including the United Nations, OCHA, International Committee of the Red Cross, MSF and the International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies. During his time at LSE, Jonathan led a consultancy project with the Disasters Emergency Committee--the umbrella organization for fourteen leading UK charities seen below.  Through this project, he and his team employed a newly developed Bond Checklist in evaluating and assessing the evidences presented in DEC and its member agencies' reports surrounding their involvement with the Haiti earthquake, Pakistani floods, and East African food crisis to establish strengths and weaknesses and ultimately provide recommendations for improvement.



Copyright 2021 by Jonathan Wing

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